We believe it is a privilege and RESPONSIBILITY to give back to those in need. We’re on a mission to find those who feel the same.

Giving is Part of Living

All donations go directly to people in need. GrowMEntor Give Back is solely funded by GrowME Marketing.
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Donating only 2.5% of your annual profits makes a significant impact.
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Our Commitment

Our current efforts provide food, electricity, medicine, education, and more to several individuals and families. Every month, we’re impacting hundreds of lives. With your help, we can make it thousands!


The Beginning of GrowMEntor GiveBack

When Tarek started GrowME, now one of Calgary’s leading marketing agencies, he knew that giving back had to be part of the culture. Since the beginning, GrowME has been involved in various charity efforts, from providing food boxes to local community members to sponsoring children in countries around the world. To this day, GrowME sponsors one orphan per employee, and that number is ever-growing.

Taking Matters Into
Our Own Hands

When Tarek discovered that many of the charities his company supported take approximately 30% of every donation to cover expenses alone, he committed to finding a better way. We put together a dedicated team on the ground in Lebanon, Tarek’s native country, to meet with people and determine their needs. A percentage of GrowME’s revenue, and EVERY DONATED DOLLAR, goes towards the goods and services these families require.

Why We Give (and why you should too)

Those who prosper are accountable to those in poverty. We are providing the basic needs that everyone has a right to and giving people the chance to build something greater for future generations. Our operations began in Lebanon because, as the son of a refugee family, Tarek is familiar with their needs, but our impact is rapidly growing. We all have causes that we care about; help GrowMEntor reach new nations.

Ongoing Work

Food & Supplies
For families who have little to nothing, we provide food boxes and other supplies to help get them back on their feet.
Medicine & Surgeries
Medicine and medical procedures are expensive and can be hard to come by. We provide the funds to sponsor life-saving medications and surgeries.
Education & Mentorship
GrowMEntor began as a mentorship organization, and we continue to provide guidance to aspiring young adults around the world in addition to offering school and university tuition grants.
Food & Supplies
For families who have little to nothing, we provide food boxes and other supplies to help get them back on their feet.
Medicine & Surgeries
Medicine and medical procedures are expensive and can be hard to come by. We provide the funds to sponsor life-saving medications and surgeries.
Education & Mentorship
GrowMEntor began as a mentorship organization, and we continue to provide guidance to young adults around the world in addition to school and university tuition grants.
Business Sponsorship
We prefer to teach men to fish, so we provide grants and other support for entrepreneurs and new business owners.
Children & Youth
Children are our future but are so often forgotten and left desolate. We sponsor orphanages and provide milk, diapers and other essentials to families.
Business Sponsorship
We prefer to teach men to fish, so we provide grants and other support for entrepreneurs and new business owners.
Children & Youth
Children are our future but are so often forgotten and left desolate. We sponsor orphanages and provide milk, diapers and other essentials to families.


Medical Centre

We are in the process of raising funds to build a state-of-the-art medical facility in Lebanon. Here, families and individuals will be able to have their health needs met while providing jobs and training for healthcare workers and medical doctors.

Sustainable Farm

We have purchased land to establish a sustainable farm where all the crop yields will be donated to people in need. The farm will also help to boost the economy by providing jobs so that workers can learn to become more self-sufficient.
online mentorship program
online mentorship program

“It is not happy people who are thankful. It is thankful people who are happy.”


Living in Canada, we have much to be grateful for, and at GrowMEntor, we share our gratitude by giving back. We hope you’ll consider joining us.